Alternate Current Radio

War Sells… But Who’s Buying

War Sells… But Who’s Buying

Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast.

Kek Comes To Pizzatown

Kek Comes To Pizzatown

This episode’s ‘brain-trust’ consists of Hesher, Spore, Patrick Henningsen, Andy Nowicki, Stewart Howe, Randy J and Daniel Spaulding doing Boiler Room stuff.

Episode Seventy-Eight

Episode Seventy-Eight

Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Randy J from 21Wire, Andy Nowicki, Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East and Stewart Howe for the BOILER ROOM.

Million or Death!

Million or Death!

This is the 71st episode of Boiler Room and we have no idea what happened! It apparently ran so long its in two parts. LOL Enjoy, maybe we hit one million listens as a station this night…

Establishment Hitmen & Media Hacks

Establishment Hitmen & Media Hacks

“Pre-Trump-Matic Stress Disorder,” voting machine and facial hacking, Hollywood “celebs” who think Trump is Hitler, Beck getting away with threats of multiple stab wounds, the Orwellian use of the term “establishment,” our analysis of mainstream media behaving as disinformation operatives, Syria, Yemen, Libya and the Boiler Room analysis on the new bombshell video showing the LaVoy Finicum assassination in Oregon. Is the Federal narrative of Finicum’s death up against the ropes?!

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